This is a process of self-knowledge. The painful episodes you experience as sufferings are actually a challenge that gives you the opportunity to know yourself, if you just stop and wonder why those difficulties are set before you. You will undoubtedly grow as a human being through learning and transforming your fears into self-confidence, making it possible for you to achieve a state of wellness which will allow you to lead a life of serenity, joy and consciousness.
This program encourages you to create the life you choose, based on the principle of building a relationship with yourself, which will allow you to explore different areas of your life, such as relationships, career orientation, talents, values, targets, finances or any other transition in life.
This method is suitable for anyone willing to make changes and create a full new life for themselves by:
– Identifying emotions that are ruling over your skills and feelings
– Target focusing
– Role identification
– Identifying the language that supports your behaviour
– Establishing from whence you perceive the reality you are living in
– Revising your values with their complex equivalences
– Developing a clear vision of your dreams, passion and purpose in life
– Improving your relationships
– Improving your communication skills
– Learning how to develop your own empowering beliefs
– Increasing your self-esteem
– Learning how to leave your past behind you with no resentment, but with gratefulness
– Comprehending your core beliefs and your repeating patterns
And other specific points depending on each individual.
– Personal coaching program’s duration depends on the Coachee’s own needs.
Some reach their target in 5 or 7 sessions whilst others require more.
– Generally the process is completed after 9 to 11 sessions per target.
– Sessions time is 1 hour but they might have a 15 minute extension if required.